Water Desalinization

Product for

We also supply and install water desalinization equipment which includes Reverse osmosis (RO) machines and chlorination units. The equipment has the ability to remove dissolved salts, suspended solids, coliforms among other macro ad micro impurities found in water. The range of these equipment include mini RO for domestic drinking water to bigger equipment used for water bottling and large-scale water supply.

We Reverse osmosis technology is the only effective solution for desalination of saline and mineralized water. This is because it only uses pressure to separate water from the salt hence no chemicals are required. A wide range of equipment is available depending on the client’s water requirements as well as the water quality. These systems are suitable for either domestic or industrial uses for all water qualities up to sea water.

Reverse osmosis (RO) machines

We endeavor to be multi-disciplinary practitioners in Water and Environmental space offering our clients the specialist individual attention and solutions required by an ever-changing project environment. ECOSAVE AFRICA LTD sees teamwork on every project as the key success element and is responsible for creating such atmosphere in all its undertakings. The Company believes in a hands-on approach on all projects. That is why the Chief Executive Officer of the firm will always be in control of the key functions on our projects. ECOSAVE AFRICA LTD is equipped with the latest technology, tools and has the necessary staff and resources to ensure the best professional service is provided at all times.